Swing life away

I am in the process of training to volunteer at a hospice. I don’t know if I am prepared for this experience. I feel like it will be a “trip” and time well spent. When I think about the end and how it is something everyone and everything experiences. Yet it is a topic or subject matter no one really takes the time to discuss. I guess on one end it is morbid but very well a fundamental part of life. I haven’t had any close losses that were intimate to me in my life other than my childhood dog, max. To this day, I haven’t cried about his departure from my reality.

During my training, Sal ( I feel like he is my mentor bc he happened to be a expert on resumes and a former hr representative. Which is also what I need , insight on my resume. I find this to be ironic and a blessing from the universe.)
Tells me stories about what to expect, how to handle situations, his own personal stories from his career and personal life.

One particuliar story he shared with me helped me feel again. I haven’t cried in a while and felt real emotions for only the boss upstairs has on record. This women was nearing her last hours. She told sal, she was afraid. She didn’t want to be alone. She didn’t want to go alone. He held her hand and let her know she’s not alone.

I guess what I want to express is I hope everyone chooses to spend their time in a meaningful and awesome way. When you think about all the chaos that is happening in the world today. Everything from the Middle East, the airplane malfunctions and misunderstandings in Russia, Malaysia, Ukraine and the list can go on and on. I should be and we should all be grateful and most importantly thankful for our time and moments we share and are allowed to share. Despite the losses as the human race we need to hug each other and understand that time is all we have and do what we are meNt here to do not what we are told to do by whatever “powers” for their personal agendas. I am not saying be a hippy ,loving ,shoeless ,smelly fuck. Just take the time to listen. Take the time to strive to do your best.

Life is a gift. Even gifts determinate, take care of it and create a lasting memory.



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